NYC Mission Trip [Day 2]

NYC Mission Trip [Day 2]

Sunday was church day! We started out by helping set up for the cookout that would be happening after church. After that we got dressed up for service. Service was wonderful. It was a liturgical service utilizing three languages (English, American Sign Language, and Spanish). In addition, they asked us to sing one of the songs we will be teaching the VBS kids (“God’s On Our Side”). There was also a baptism, which brought some relation all the way from Argentina. Church was absolutely full, and we treasured receiving God’s gifts with our brothers and sisters in Queens.

After church was the cookout. We had shipped Wisconsin brats (and Belgian Trippe!) from Marchants, so that figured prominently. In addition, there were South American dishes, Indian dishes, and more. It truly was a party atmosphere, with fun tunes playing, and the baptismal party sharing cake with the whole group. So fun.

Finally, we attended their Bengali service in the evening. Even though the majority of the service was in a language other than our own, we still could follow along pretty well, as their liturgy was very similar to the liturgy we are familiar with back home. Isn’t that something, that people from disparate cultures and languages can be united by their mutual patterns of worship!

Pastor Chris was asked to concelebrate the Sacrament.

We were very much welcomed by the Bengali congregation, and we were inspired by their love for the Lord Jesus. They spoke freely about missionary zeal, and some of their members are first-generation converts to Christianity.

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