Greetings in Christ!

In this time of great challenge, please be assured that our sister congregations are working hard to provide you with spiritual care and to fill up the necessity of our members and those around us.

As we look to the weeks and the months ahead, we anticipate that the congregations, our individual members, and our neighbors will have various kinds of needs. This communication is intended to help you consider ways that you can bless others in this troubling time.

Tithes and Offerings. Even while we are unable to meet together, we will continue to have bills. We encourage you, as you are able, to maintain your financial support of the congregations through your tithes and offerings. We are currently working on implementing e-giving. But, until we have that in place, you can mail your contributions to: St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, PO Box 85, Forestville, WI 54213 or St. John’s Lutheran Church, E5221 Church Road, Algoma, WI 54201.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Supplies. Cleaning and disinfecting supplies will be crucial for us as we attempt to bring in-person Word and Sacrament ministry back to St. Peter’s and St. John’s. While we understand that these are hard to come by right now, but we ask that you keep the church in mind if you can spare some. Do you have a hefty supply in your home? Perhaps donate some to the church. If you run across some supplies in the store, could you buy one for your family and one for the church? We anticipate that the church will also act as something of a “clearinghouse” for those who run out and are unable to obtain such supplies. Here are some items that we will need:

  • disinfecting wipes
  • hand soap
  • hand sanitizer
  • spray disinfectant
  • disinfectant concentrate
  • paper towels

Medical Supplies. We will need medical supplies for various reasons. These will be necessary for volunteers who take supplies to those in need, pastor and the elders as they provide Word and Sacrament ministry to people in their homes, and volunteers and parishioners as we begin to hold in-person Word and Sacrament ministry once again. Here are items that we will need:

  • medical gloves
  • masks
  • touchless thermometers

Individually Packaged Food and Drinks. As we anticipate the resumption of in-person Word and Sacrament ministry, we will surely want to have a little bit of fellowship over food and drink. But, we will want to do this in as safe a way as possible. Here are some items that you could donate:

  • snack crackers
  • cookies
  • nuts
  • candy
  • juice boxes/pouches
  • soft drinks

During this challenging time, we at St. Peter’s and our sister congregation St. John’s (Algoma) wish to provide assistance to those who need it.

If you are a member of simply a neighbor in the Southern Door/Northern Kewaunee area and need food or supplies brought to you, please contact Pastor Chris at 920-365-2218.

God’s peace be with you!

The leadership at St. Peter’s is working very hard to bring in-person Word and Sacrament ministry back to St. Peter’s as soon as possible. We have worked up some excellent plans to do so and are currently awaiting the deliver of the necessary supplies. In the meantime, we have many multimedia worship options available to you.

Sunday Service Livestream. We will be Livestreaming a service at 10:00 AM. This link will take you to Pastor Chris’s Youtube channel, where you can access the stream:

Teleconferenced Bible Study. On Sunday at 2:00 PM Pastor will be leading a teleconferenced Bible study that you can access via computer or even by your telephone! To access by telephone, dial 312-626-6799 and when prompted enter the Meeting ID 904 396 698. To access via your computer, follow this link: To access via the Zoom app on your phone, enter the Meeting ID 904 396 698.

Archived Services. St. John’s has video recordings of their services archived online. Follow this link:

Still Water Sermoncast. Listen to the Stillwater Sermoncast every Sunday at 8:05 AM on WDOR.

St. Peter’s Sermon Archives. St. Peter’s has audio sermons available at These are also available on through Apple, Google, and Stitcher.

March 13, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at St. Peter’s and St. John’s,

I am writing today to address the many cares and concerns that are arising on account of the spread of COVID-19, otherwise known as the Coronavirus. I will be addressing both practical and spiritual matters related to this pandemic. I ask your patience and diligence to carefully review this letter.

As we respond to this emerging threat, we are holding two Christian virtues before our eyes. On the one hand, we Christians are “strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:9). We do not respond to challenges with panic or fear, but with strength and resolve, on account of our confidence in God. On the other hand, we Christians are called to be “wise as snakes” (Matthew 10:16) and to “love our neighbors as ourselves” (Matthew 22:39). Wisdom, love, strength, and courage – these are our watchwords as we navigate the troubled waters of this time.

The Current Threat and Continuity of Service

First, while we need to be cautious and prepared, we do well to recognize that public health officials rate our risk of suffering an outbreak of the Covid-19 in our region as low, and none of our planned activities would have participation above 250, the cut-off number recommended recently by Governor Evers. Thus, we are not currently radically altering our practices but rather making some small adjustments and recommendations to help mitigate risk. We are not currently changing any practices related to our service schedule, catechism class, Sunday School, meals, Lent services, meetings, or fellowship activities, nor are we currently making any changes with regards to celebration of the Lord’s Supper or the mean by which we receive it.

We may alter this approach as the situation emerges. We will respond appropriately according to the direction of public officials and changes in the situation in our region. But, no matter what, we pledge that we will endeavor to continue to provide spiritual care to you despite any challenges that should arise.

Risk Mitigation

While we are continuing with our normal schedule and practices, there are some practices that we are recommending to minimize the spread of infectious disease.

First, if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, and/or you have a fever, please stay home. Doing so is not a violation of the 3rd Commandment to honor the Sabbath Day, as you are not acting in spite of God’s Word but out of love for the neighbor. And, we can’t emphasize this enough, staying home when you are experiencing these symptoms is indeed an act of love for others.

Second, we are discouraging the shaking of hands at this present time. I will be discontinuing my usual practice of shaking everyone’s hand before and after service, though I will still offer a greeting. I encourage you to follow my example and offer a holy elbow bump to one another during greeting times. Related to this, we are not going to observe the Passing of the Peace for the foreseeable future.

Third, we encourage everyone to wash their hands before entering the sanctuary. Both congregations have sinks available near the entrances of the sanctuary. You are encouraged to wash before you enter.

Fourth, we will not be passing offering plates or bags for the foreseeable future. All offerings will be collected at the door prior to service and then brought forward during the offering time.

Fifth, you are encouraged to spread out in the sanctuary. Those front rows that never get used? Now is the time to use them. Put space between yourself and other worshippers.

When discussing infectious disease, many people have concerns regarding receiving Holy Communion, especially from the chalice or “common cup.” First, multiple studies have shown that populations who receive communion, including those who receive from the chalice, are no sicker than those who do not. Because of this, and more importantly because of the miraculous gifts the Lord gives to us through Holy Communion of forgiveness, life, and salvation, we will not be discontinuing the Lord’s Supper, and we will continue to offer the chalice, for the time being. However, if it would be a burden on your conscience to receive Holy Communion at this time, you are by no means compelled to receive it; you are free to remain seated during the distribution, and you should feel no guilt in doing so. And, you should feel no guilt about receiving from the individual cups.

Some Spiritual Considerations

First, remember that our current circumstances are an opportunity to demonstrate Christian love. This will look different for different people in different circumstances. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms or a fever, it means staying home. If you are a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacist, or other health worker, this means remaining steadfast in your duties, even though it may mean risk to you. If you are a parent or a teacher, teaching the young people under your care how to mitigate risk is one way you show love. Statistics show that due to the social nature of their work and their practice of visiting the sick, pastors suffer from infectious diseases (and even death from them!) at higher rates than the general population. While I aim to be wise with such matters, I promise you that I will lead the way in showing Christian love by not abandoning my post, so that I may continue to provide you spiritual care.

Second, this is a good time to reiterate my common theme of the importance of a personal and home devotional life. The time may come that we need to cancel services, and until then you may need to stay home if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms or a fever. Yet, your need for God’s Word will not change. Are you in the habit of reading God’s Word and praying as a household and personally? Now is the time to get into the habit, and it just may sustain you in a time of great spiritual need.

Additionally, please remember that you have multiple opportunities to be spiritually fed by St. John’s and St. Peter’s even when you are not able to attend. St. John’s posts their entire services on YouTube (search for Andrew Engelking), and these are also posted on Facebook. I have not been very faithful as of late of posting recordings of my sermons on the St. Peter’s website, but I will be changing this practice immediately and posting them on Monday mornings. Additionally, the Still Water Sermoncast airs on WDOR every Sunday morning at about 8:05 AM.

Much more could be said, but this letter has already gone on quite long. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out:, 920-365-2218.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Chris