New to Saint Peter’s?

Find Us

We are located at 316 W. Main St., Forestville, WI 54213. Forestville Main Street is also Door County Road J, and our church is about two blocks west of the intersection of Wisconsin State Highway 42 and Door County Road J.

Worshiping and Learning with Us

Participating in one of our worship services or Christian education classes is the best way to get to know us, and you are welcome to participate in any of these up to your own level of comfort.  If you just want to sit in the back and watch, no problem!  If you want to read along in the hymnal as the congregation speaks the liturgy and sings the hymns, feel free! If you desire to speak and sing along with us, we welcome you!

Worshiping in a Lutheran congregation can be overwhelming at first. Following a service in a hymnal is easy once you learn how to do it, but it does take some learning. And, our worship services are chock full of words and ideas and customs that may be unfamiliar. Do not feel self-conscious!  If you need help using the hymnal, ask someone in the next pew.  If anything is unfamiliar, that’s okay!  One of the great blessings of Lutheran worship is that it is so deep that lifelong Christians, if they are attentive, can find some new insight every Sunday.

Communion – If you are not a communing member at a sister church in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod or another church body with which we have full communicant fellowship, we ask that you speak with the pastor before receiving communion at our altar. Please know that we make this request out of heartfelt love for you.

Becoming a Member

God desires Christians to join together in congregations. Becoming a member of a congregation is important for many reasons, the most important of which is the care and guidance one receives by membership. There are several routes to membership at Saint Peter’s.

Baptism –  “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . . .” (Matthew 28:19, ESV) Baptism is the rite of initiation into the Christian church, and being baptized at Saint Peter’s makes one a member of Saint Peter’s.  Baptisms are performed for children and adults who have not already been baptized in the name of the Triune God.  Normally, we ask that adults complete our Adult Instruction Class before receiving baptism.

Confirmation“. . . teaching them everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:20, ESV) The Rite of Confirmation is an opportunity for those who have been baptized to publicly proclaim agreement with Lutheran Christian doctrine. Confirmation bestows full membership at Saint Peter’s, including the privilege of receiving Holy Communion. We normally ask children to complete an extended period of instruction before participating in the Rite of Confirmation, and we normally ask that adults complete our Adult Instruction Class.

Transfer – Those who are members in good standing in a sister congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod or another church body with which we have full communicant fellowship are eligible to become members by receiving a letter of transfer from their previous congregation.

Adult Instruction Class

Adult Instruction Class is the normal route for adults to become members by Baptism or Confirmation.  Adult Instruction Class is a no-commitment, no-pressure opportunity to learn about the Christian faith from a Lutheran Christian perspective.  Attending Adult Instruction Class does not obligate you to attend all of the sessions or to become a member. Good candidates for Adult Instruction Class include: those who simply want to learn more about Christianity, those who simply want to learn more about Lutheranism, those who wish to be baptized or confirmed, spouses of Lutherans who would like to learn more about their husband’s or wife’s faith, longtime members who wish to “freshen up” their knowledge.

Check our “News and Media” page for announcements about upcoming Adult Instruction Classes.

Want to know more?

Our About Us section will help you learn more about our congregation.